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Companies that have found talent at It Academy

Deale - Claudia Boluda

"The technical foundation, the knowledge, and the eagerness to learn that they have are a distinguishing feature of the IT Academy students. We were delighted and very happy. We will stay in touch for the future so we can do this again when we are looking for profiles of this kind."

Interficie - José Manuel Gómez

"At the IT Academy, they provide retraining for students, where they embark on a new adventure in software development. The people being trained here are a very good match with the needs we have, both in programming methodologies and in the technologies themselves."

NTT DATA - Cristina Agustín

"We look for profiles without professional experience so they can develop their own career within the company. At the IT Academy, not only are technical skills covered, but also competencies, motivation, and prior preparation, ensuring that students are as well-prepared as possible."

IT Academy students who have already found a job

Cristina Grau

"The courses that are done at IT Academy seem very interesting because they are free training that you can combine with work and that helps you a lot to do a career switch more easily than if you are only studying, if you are interested."

Esther Ramos

"I discovered IT Academy, all the training I did was very complete and, from that point onwards, after the bootcamp, I see technology as an opportunity to dedicate myself professionally. It is adapted for all levels, both for a person who comes from a more technical background, and for someone who wants a change of profession."

Raquel Alvear

"With IT Academy I have made a 180º turn in my life. I have gone from business intelligence programmer to teacher, thanks to the support of coordinators, teachers and all the companies. Together with all the materials and interviews, all the ingredients are given for success".

Fausto Luna

"Jo ho he après tot perquè no sabia res de programació quan vaig entrar a IT Academy, realment zero. I ara estic treballant professionalment en una aplicació real que l'empresa on treballo utilitza pels nostres operaris. Crec que si tinc aquesta feina és en gran part per IT Academy."

Luisa Tenorio

"In one of the most critical moments of my life the IT Academy has been the indispensable ingredient for my personal and professional reconstruction, all the elements have been fundamental to feel motivated, culminating with a hiring in one of the leading companies in the IT sector thanks to the job interviews carried out by the team coordinators. A professional experience 360 towards you success".

Rita Casiello

"It gives you a very good, very solid base. Now I've started to work in the technological side of a business, on database. I work with SQL, but it's a starting point and compared to what I had up until now it's an improvement. Doing the IT Academy training has helped me to switch my job sector, fitness, and work on to technology, which is as if a door has opened and you have a lot of opportunities to grow."

Begoña Fernández

"After dedicating my life to architecture and design, I found the ICT sector. With IT Academy I've been able to grow and establish myself in this field where, with hard work, there is only growth and success. Throughout this journey, I've learnt from fantastic people who have supported me both on a professional and human level."

Esperanza León

"At IT Academy not only do you put at your fingertips the technical means to train you, but they give you support,  motivate you to give yourself security and not be afraid to throw yourself at the pursuit of what we want. The human factor in the IT Academy, for me, has more value than the technological one. I will always be grateful to the whole team for this opportunity. Now I start a new phase, which I am sure will be exciting".

Xavier Roldán

"Having lost my job I considered a career change. Thanks to the IT Academy I obtained knowledge that I have been able to demonstrate in interviews to get back into work. Also, being at the Cibernàrium, I would stay in the afternoons to complete the training with other activities."

Marta Tost

"Thanks to the IT Academy I have made the professional change I had been looking for for a long time. The methodology gives you maximum flexibility, learning at your own pace, and with the support of both colleagues who make the same journey, as well as the magnificent mentoring team that guides you. I have already recommended it to more than one person!"

Gerard Ferrer

"Per a mi, IT Academy va suposar l'oportunitat de descobrir el món de la programació, de formar-me durant uns mesos molt intensament i poder reorientar la meva carrera cap a aquest sector. Puc dir ben bé, que gràcies a IT Academy, he aconseguit entrar a treballar com a programador web i n'estic molt agraït!"

Guillem Duñó

"IT Academy has allowed me, for one hand, to catch up with the new technologies and, on the other hand, to feel accompanied by my colleagues and the great team of mentoring and tutoring. Four months of discipline intense to put the foot in the ICT sector!".

Paolo Gambardella

"Thanks to IT Academy I had the opportunity to visualize my potential to reinvent my career. I had the pleasure of sharing experience with people from very different sectors and ages, and addressing my concerns with the effort for training, guidance and job placement".

Mònica Pascual

"Carrying out this course was a great success. He introduced me to a world that fascinated me, what I was looking for, providing me with the practical knowledge to start working. The job interview, IT Academy, led me to work at one of the most important companies in the sector".

David Ortiz

"The opportunity to be part of IT Academy has been unique. From the first day I worked with a group of people focused on a single objective: to become IT professionals. With their support and in-depth training, I conducted several interviews with specialized companies in the sector ".

Jose Luis Sánchez

"IT Academy has been a very effective and innovative program that has allowed me to acquire knowledge and skills to guide my career. A shared experience with people from different sectors but with the same concerns and objectives".

José Farfus

"I have obtained the guidance I needed to channel my efforts and change my professional profile in the IT sector. Everything in a real work environment to prepare me to enter my profession. Thanks to IT Academy today I am doing what I like developing software in a high-profile ICT company ".

Dèlia Barreiro

"Amb IT Academy he reorientat la meva carrera cap el sector TIC, i m'ha permès conèixer a persones amb els mateixos interessos. Una oportunitat per aprendre no només a través de plataformes online d'autoapranantatge, sinó també gràcies a la col·laboració de la resta de companys/es!".

Víctor Marín

"IT Academy ha posat a la meva disposició el coneixement, consell i les eines necessàries per fer el salt professional cap a l'àmbit de la programació, tot i venir d'un àmbit aliè a la tecnologia. Ha estat una experiència divertida i enriquidora que recomano a tothom amb ganes de reinventar-se".

Marc Plans

"The IT Academy experience has been a very good opportunity for me to continue to train and work in what I like best, and above all, with the support of a great human team and sharing it with a community where we all learn from everyone."

Job Marketplace for IT Academy students