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Competències Digitals

What are your digital skills?

Take the test and get up to date: it's free!

Take the digital skills test to assess your level and get a personalized report. The test consists of questions about the 19 digital skills that present real and relevant scenarios. The duration of the test varies depending on your knowledge. You can save, exit, and continue at any time.

Take the test
Competències Digitals
Review your answers
Once the test is completed, and before the report and recommendation, you will be able to see which answers you got right and which you got wrong. For the latter, the correct option will be displayed on the screen.
Get the results report
In addition to seeing your results on the screen, you will be able to download a report in PDF format, with the level achieved for each of the digital competencies and a description of the competency areas.
We recommend free activities
Based on your results, you will be able to access a recommendation of personalized and free activities to train the digital competencies you need to improve.
Competències Digitals

Discovering your skills is the starting point for developing them!

What are your digital skills?

Quines són les teves competències digitals?

What are your digital skills??

Take the test and update: it's free!

Take the Skills Test

The test consists of questions about the 19 digital skills that pose real and close scenarios.
The duration of the test is variable depending on your knowledge. You can save and log out and continue at any other time.

Access the test

Get your Results Report

In addition to seeing your results on screen, you can download a report in pdf format with the level achieved for each of the digital skills.

We recommend free activities

From your results, you will be able to access a recommendation of activities free personalized sessions to train the digital skills that consider it necessary to improve.

Discovering your skills is the starting point to develop them!