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Conditions of inscription

Conditions of inscription


General conditions:

The number of places available to attend activities is limited and previous registration is always necessary.


>> On-site activities

Consult frequently on the website the date, schedule and address of the center where the activity in which you are enrolled is taught and check the "More information" section of the activity to know if you need any specific requirement or tools to participate.

Activities are taught in Catalan, except in specific cases and unless the majority of the participants request them to be done in Spanish.


When you come to the activity it is imperative to carry your original and valid ID or NIE.

In case you carry the Union Citizen Registration Certificate (NIE on paper), you must also attach the passport or document in force of your origin country.

If you have an expired non-EU NIE, you must also provide the renewal police certificate to participate.


Assist Control:

Activities with more than one session involve compulsory attendance at the first to participate in the following.

It is mandatory to sign the attendance sheet present at the reception of the center where the activity of accessing in the classroom is taught.

In order to guarantee the rigor and the formative quality, the activities begin with punctuality. It will not be possible to access the classrooms 15 minutes after the start time.


Unsubscribe from activities:

If after enrolling you cannot attend the activity you will need to be discharged, so that another person can take advantage of your place. You can do it by accessing via the web in your Personal Area from the section of query of Activity History.

You can unsubscribe from an activity up to 12 hours before the start.

In case of not attending an activity and not communicating the discharge, the information will be included in your file as non-assistant in the activity.


>> Online activities

To sign up for online activities you only need to be registered on the web as a user of Cibernàrium.

You must pass all the modules to obtain the certificate of attendance. It is automatically generated at the end of the activity.

Leaving an online activity unfinished does not generate penalties or restrictions.