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Hackathon 2024

Challenge your limits: hackathon and marketplace to revolutionise the future

Test yourself on 22nd and 23rd October

A unique opportunity for all people who love technology and programming. This event will bring together more than 80 people between students and mentors, with the aim of promoting creativity and innovation in the technological world.

Registration Form Closed
Hackathon 2024

What is a hackathon?

It is organised by Barcelona Activa and Mobile World Capital Barcelona and consists of five challenges that have been chosen to find solutions for the city of Barcelona. These goals are framed within the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) of the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations. At the beginning of the day, the challenges will be presented and each participating team will have to choose one to develop throughout the marathon.

On the day of the hackathon, you will be able to download the challenges here.

What is a marketplace?

It is a recruitment and networking event that connects companies with professionals seeking a job or a career upgrade. It aims to showcase candidates' skills through interviews, allowing candidates to meet with several companies in one day. This expands employment opportunities, especially for junior profiles or those in the process of reskilling. Additionally, companies can reinforce their employer branding with a short presentation.


There will be a total of 7 teams, each composed of 9 people, who will work together to tackle the proposed challenges. Each team will be made up of:

  •       3 frontend professionals
          3 backend professionals
          3 data analysts

In total, there will be 63 people collaborating simultaneously to find creative and innovative solutions to the challenges. In addition, each team will have the constant assistance of mentors, who will guide the participants throughout the process to ensure the best possible result!

Com participar?


Frontend developer: responsible for building the visible part of a web page (design, structure, colours, etc.) and works with technologies such as Angular and React.

Backend developer: responsible for programming the part of the web that is not visible with technologies such as Node.js and Java. It focuses on all the functions offered by the web and databases.

Data analyst: Responsible for cleaning, analyzing and interpreting data to extract insights that drive decisions in organisations. He or she integrates analytical and statistical skills to uncover relevant patterns.

To participate, you must register and take a short technical test. The teams will be made public on the day itself, first thing in the morning, during registration.


The role of the mentor is to guide and help the teams, if necessary, at some point during the day, as well as to observe and evaluate the teams both in terms of soft skills and hard skills. He or she will also be part of the jury to choose the winning team after the presentations. The criteria that will be evaluated are teamwork, code quality, design, presentation, functionality and originality, impact and potential.


Programa Hackató


L'equip que aconsegueixi destacar i guanyar un dels reptes proposats, serà premiat amb:
  • 🏆​ Entrades exclusives per al prestigiós Mobile World Congress 2025.
Aquesta és una oportunitat única per accedir a l'esdeveniment tecnològic més gran del món, on podràs connectar amb líders de la indústria, conèixer les últimes innovacions i viure de primera mà el futur de la tecnologia global. Un premi que pot obrir noves portes i impulsar les vostres carreres professionals!


👩🏻‍💻 The profiles we are looking for as participants are only juniors.

💻 Information about the hackathon will be published as the date of the event approaches. Stay tuned for website updates.

🖱️ Only the people selected for the Hackathon will have the opportunity to participate in the marketplace. You will receive an email with instructions to register for job offers that match your profile.

👉🏻 You will have to pass a technical test to access the hackathon. You will receive an email with instructions for completing and submitting this test. Passing the technical test is also necessary to be able to participate in the marketplace.