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Free tools for editing and managing PDF documents

We often consider PDFs as final documents that no longer support any kind of change or modification. In this training we will discover all the possibilities offered by the free tools for editing and managing pdfs with the aim of improving our documents and presentations.

Specific goals | Temary

-Discover the various ways that exist to edit pdf files using free tools.

Familiarize yourself with these types of files and the possibilities offered by their management.

-Explore new ways to improve documents and presentations from any format, once they are in pdf format.


1.- What is a pdf?

- Why can't they be modified.
- What types of pdf exist.
- Which programs do we usually use to visualize them and what are their functionalities.

2.- Edit a pdf

- What programs can we use (desktop / online)
- What possibilities do they offer us (editing text, images, etc.)

3.- Manage a pdf

- What means? Which programs allow us to do so
- What possibilities do they offer us (cut documents, restructure)


Edition 1

Tue 09/07/24 (17:00-19:00h)

Virtual classroom

Language: Catalan
Opening of registration 24/06/2024 to 08:30 h.

General information

IMPORTANT: In the event that the format is virtual streaming, it will be done through the free Microsoft Teams platform. Registrants will receive an invitation link and access instructions by email prior to the start of the session.

>> Entry to the classroom will not be allowed after 15 minutes, once the activity has started.
>> The language in which each session is given is reported in the description of each activity.
>> Any of Cibernàrium's training actions can be recorded through a system
of capturing images whose purpose is their subsequent dissemination through a medium or support
in the scope of Barcelona Activa's mission to contribute to economic promotion and employment.
In the recording process, images of the attendees may eventually be recorded
formation. Registration for Cibernàrium activities implies the authorization to Barcelona Activa of
make use of these images for the above purpose.

Tue 09/07/24 (17:00-19:00h)
Modality: Virtual classroom
Duration: 1 session
Virtual classroom
Opening of registration 24/06/2024 to 08:30 h.
Duration: 1 session
Price: This activity is free
Level: Specialized
Theme: Productivity

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Free tools for editing and managing PDF documents: Edition 1

Tue 09/07/24 17:00-19:00h

Virtual classroom

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