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Activity Record


AI and Education: Discover a new world of possibilities - Certified

Educational community, watch out, danger! A tsunami called A.I. is coming! But don't wait, we'll grab our surfboard full of tools and resources to surf, adapt and enjoy the crest of the wave. In this course you will obtain the necessary knowledge to know, feel comfortable and with the security of mastering certain applications that will help you improve your classes, to make them more dynamic, fun, motivating and without leaving you with the content .

Specific goals | Temary

This training is open to everyone, and is recognized by the Department of Education. Teachers will be able to obtain a certificate of 20 hours of training.

- Synchronous sessions, where connection is mandatory
- Asynchronous hours, without connection: 8 hours, correspond to the hours of work at home that can be done at any time to carry out a content achievement verification practice, which will evaluate the training person and will serve to teaching people can access the "Certificate". 

- Understanding the Fundamentals of AI:
Acquire an understanding of the basic concepts of artificial intelligence and how it is applied in different fields of the educational field.

- Curricular integration:
Identify opportunities to integrate artificial intelligence into the curriculum of various subjects and educational levels.

- Development of Educational Resources:
Create AI-based educational resources that enrich lessons and promote active student learning.

- Fostering Creativity and Problem Solving:
Stimulate creativity and problem solving in education through AI projects, encouraging critical and analytical thinking.

- Knowledge of Schemely, Megaprofe, Heygen and Studio D-IDl and Classcraft applications.
Familiarize yourself with practical applications of A.I. to be able to use them in the educational field.  


Session 1: AI Basics

- What is AI? And its relevance in today's education.
- Familiarize yourself and know how to use the A.I.
- A.I. as a facilitating tool in our daily work.
- Characteristics, advantages and benefits of A.I.
- Carry out a SWOT (weaknesses, threats, strengths and opportunities) of the input of the A.I. in the educational community. It can be done individually or cooperatively.
- How it relates to the teaching-learning process.
- Comment on the ethical aspects of A.I. in the classroom

Session 2: Applications linked to AI, its use and utility in the classroom, Schemely and Megaprofe
- Schemely: Registration. Platform organization, functionalities and utilities. Show how to use key Schemely tools.
- Megaprofe: Register and create an account in Megaprofe as a teacher. Familiarize yourself with the features and tools available on the platform. Show how to use key Megaprofe tools, such as:
- Guided Practice.
- Discussion and Resolution of Doubts:
- Creation of Examples or Practical Cases:

Session 3: Heygen and Studio D-ID. Why use avatars in education
- Creation of avatars with A.I.
- Other AI resources that enrich our avatar.
- Practice

Session 4: Gamification with AI (classcraft) and how to use Canva with AI
- Register an account as a teacher in Classcraft.
- Introduce the educational content through a short presentation.
- Develop an activity related to the content.
- Use the game mechanics of Classcraft to involve the students. For example:
- Rewards and Feedback:
- Closing the Session:
- Practice


Edition 1

Tue 02/07/24 (10:00-13:00h)

Wed 03/07/24 (10:00-13:00h)

Thu 04/07/24 (10:00-13:00h)

Fri 05/07/24 (10:00-13:00h)

Virtual classroom

Language: Catalan
No places

General information

IMPORTANT: If the format is virtual streaming, it will be done through the free Microsoft Teams platform. Registrants will receive an invitation link and access instructions via email before the session begins.

>> Entry to the classroom will not be allowed after 15 minutes, once the activity has started.
>> The language in which each session is given is reported in the description of each activity.
>> Any of the training actions of Cibernàrium may be recorded through an image capture system whose purpose is its subsequent dissemination through a medium or support in the field of Barcelona Activa's mission to contribute to economic promotion and employment.
In the recording process, images of those attending the training may eventually be recorded. Registration for Cibernàrium activities implies authorization for Barcelona Activa to
use these images for the above purpose.

Tue 02/07/24 (10:00-13:00h)
Modality: Virtual classroom
Wed 03/07/24 (10:00-13:00h)
Modality: Virtual classroom
Thu 04/07/24 (10:00-13:00h)
Modality: Virtual classroom
Fri 05/07/24 (10:00-13:00h)
Modality: Virtual classroom
Duration: 4 sessions
Virtual classroom
No places
Duration: 4 sessions
Price: This activity is free
Level: Specialized
Theme: Education and TIC

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AI and Education: Discover a new world of possibilities - Certified: Edition 1

Tue 02/07/24 10:00-13:00h

Virtual classroom

Wed 03/07/24 10:00-13:00h

Virtual classroom

Thu 04/07/24 10:00-13:00h

Virtual classroom

Fri 05/07/24 10:00-13:00h

Virtual classroom

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