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Online course - UX: Design with user experience

User experience (UX) is a very important technique when designing both digital and physical products. Find out how it can help you create successful web platforms, mobile apps or video games.

Specific goals | Temary

En aquest curs entendrem les bases que construeixen una bona experiència d'usuari (UX) i els beneficis que aporta al nostre producte o servei. Aprendrem com desenvolupar una bona fase d¿investigació, disseny i prototipatge del nostre producte o servei, i a crear i implementar testos d'usabilitat.

L'ecosistema UX
Què és i què no és UX?
Beneficis d'aplicar UX
Objectius quan apliquem UX
Tipus de projectes UX
Com enfocar un projecte amb l'UX

Usuaris i usuàries vs. persones
Conceptes bàsics per a la investigació d¿usuaris i usuàries
Els testos d'usabilitat i finalització del procés
Entrevistes i investigació contextual
Enquestes d'usuari o usuària i focus groups
La tècnica del Card Sorting
Què són els models Persona i per a què s¿utilitzen?
Com crear models Persona
Ara et toca a tu! Crea dos perfils Persona

Primera fase del procés UX: estructuració
Eines per a l'estructuració UX
Elements bàsics per crear sitemaps i user flows
Errades comunes
Ara et toca a tu! Crear estructures UX

Segona fase del procés UX: disseny
Eines i exemples per crear wireframes
Disseny responsive
Crear els mock-up d'un projecte
Ara et toca a tu! Crear wireframes

Tercera fase del procés UX: prototipat
Eines per prototipar un projecte UX
Els prototips en paper
Els prototips en format digital
Ara et toca a tu! Crear un prototip

Quarta fase del procés UX: test amb usuaris i usuàries
Conceptes bàsics del testeig d'usuaris i usuàries
Qualitatiu i quantitatiu
Test presencial i en línia
Test moderat i automatitzat
Després dels testos d'usuaris i usuàries
Ara et toca a tu! Crear un planning
Posa't a prova!


Edition 1

From Mon 01/04/24 al Tue 30/04/24

Language: Catalan
Registration closed.
Edition 2

From Wed 01/05/24 al Fri 31/05/24

Language: Catalan
Registration closed.
Edition 3

From Sat 01/06/24 al Sun 30/06/24

Language: Catalan
Places available Sign me up

General information

>> This online activity is available between the first and last day of each month.
>> Registration is possible even if it has already been started.
>> To enroll in any online activity you need to have a web user created. You can create it here.
>> Once enrolled you will find the course in your Personal Space --> Activities --> Activities in progress (
>> You can access the materials of the activity while editing is active.
>> This online course is self-training.
>> To view the videos subtitled, click on the CC button you will find in the video playbar and select language.

>> You will get a certificate of accomplishment when completing all modules and overcoming the activities/test, of the formation before the end of the editing in which the enrolment was made.
>> Course completion status. Within the same course you will find the Results menu point, you will find the Export option (top right). Clicking will open a document showing a report with the status of each lesson. If there are any lessons that are not approved, the contents need to be re-examined as there is some part left undisplayed/made.
>> Once the training is completed, within 24 to 48 hours you will be able to download the certificate to your Personal Space --> Activities --> Activities performed (

>> It is recommended to perform training from a computer and not from mobile or tablets.
>> The most used browsers are: Google Chrome, Safari (for iOS operating systems), Microsoft Edge (for Windows operating systems) and Mozilla Firefox.

Start: Mon 01/04/24
Duration: 3 hours
Registration closed.
Start: Wed 01/05/24
Duration: 3 hours
Registration closed.
Start: Sat 01/06/24
Duration: 3 hours
Duration: 3 hours
Price: This activity is free
Level: Specialized
Theme: Web creation

Course ratings


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Online course - UX: Design with user experience: Edition 1

Online session

Mon 01/04/24 al Tue 30/04/24

Online course - UX: Design with user experience: Edition 2

Online session

Wed 01/05/24 al Fri 31/05/24

Online course - UX: Design with user experience: Edition 3

Online session

Sat 01/06/24 al Sun 30/06/24

Personal information

Full Name:

Screen Name: 20101


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