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Masterclass - Market tools to implement generative AI

Explore Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) from its fundamentals to practical applications, optimization methods and future challenges in this interactive talk.

Specific goals | Temary

In this Masterclass, Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) will be explored, from its foundations to practical applications.


- Understand the Fundamentals of IAG: At the end of the training, you will be able to define and understand in depth what Generative Artificial Intelligence is and how it has evolved over time.

- Mastering Advanced Generative Models: You will gain solid knowledge of different types of generative models, such as GANs, VAEs and Transformer-based models, and understand their practical applications in various fields.

- Apply Effective Optimization Methods: You will learn key techniques to train, optimize and refine generative models, including fine-tuning, recovery augmented generation (RAG) and prompt engineering, thus improving the quality of the generations and the efficiency of the model

- Navigate the Ecosystem of Tools and Technologies: You will gain practical skills to use development frameworks, cloud platforms and specialized libraries, allowing you to implement IAG solutions effectively and efficiently.


1. Introduction
- Definition of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI)
- Brief history and evolution of the IAG

2. Generative models
- What are generative models?
- Types of generative models: Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), Variational Autoencoders (VAEs), Transformer-based Models (such as GPT and BERT)
- IAG practical applications

3. Optimization methods: unlocking the potential of generative models
- Training an AI model from scratch
- Fine-Tuning
- Recovery Augmented Generation (RAG)
- Prompt Engineering

4. Tools and Technologies
- Development frameworks
- Cloud platforms and AI services
- Specialized libraries and optimization tools

5. Challenges, limitations and future of Generative Artificial Intelligence
- Quality and consistency of the generations
- Computational and data requirements
- Emerging trends and technological advances
- Future potential and opportunities

6. Prayers and questions, and open classroom for experimentation in real time


Edition 1

Thu 27/06/24 (18:00-19:30h)


Carrer Roc Boronat, 117 - 127,


Language: Spanish
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Thu 27/06/24 (18:00-19:30h)
Modality: Attended session
Duration: 1 session
Cibernàrium-22@ - Carrer Roc Boronat, 117 - 127,
Duration: 1 session
Price: This activity is free
Level: Specialized
Theme: Content design and creation

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Masterclass - Market tools to implement generative AI: Edition 1

Attended session

Thu 27/06/24 18:00-19:30h


Carrer Roc Boronat, 117 - 127,


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Screen Name: 20101


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