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Activity Record


WordPress: virtual store with Woocommerce

Create your own online store with the power of Wordpress combined with Woocommerce. Design, Catalogue, Products, Reviews Comparisons, Favorites List, Payment Platforms, etc. Everything you need to create and manage a professional store.

Specific goals | Temary


  • You will learn to create an online business from scratch
  • Whether it's complementary to a physical store or a fully digital business, you will know how to take advantage of both aspects
  • You will renew your skills and become an e-commerce manager


  1. Preparing the Environment - WooCommerce Installation
  2. Setting up the main parameters of the store
  3. Adapting Taxes and Shipping
  4. Payment platforms
    • Paypal
    • Stripe
    • POS
    • Apple Pay/Google Pay
  5. Creating our products
  6. Simple product
  7. Variable product
  8. Grouped product
  9. Retouching the design
  10. Best Themes
  11. Retouching our basic theme
  12. Product landing page: ready to sell
  13. Creating discount campaigns: coupons


Edition 1

Mon 16/09/24 (16:00-19:00h)

Tue 17/09/24 (16:00-19:00h)


Carrer Roc Boronat, 117 - 127,


Language: Catalan
Registration closed.

General information

>> In case the format is virtual via streaming, it will be carried out through the free platform Microsoft Teams. Registered individuals will receive the invitation link and access instructions by email before the session starts.

>> Entry to the classroom will not be allowed after 15 minutes once the activity has started.

>> The language in which each session is conducted is informed in the description of each activity.

>> Any of the training actions of Cibernàrium may be recorded through an image capture system that aims to subsequently disseminate them through a medium or support within the scope of the mission of Barcelona Activa to contribute to economic promotion and employment. In the recording process, images of attendees may eventually be recorded. Registration for Cibernàrium activities implies authorization for Barcelona Activa to use these images for the aforementioned purpose.

Mon 16/09/24 (16:00-19:00h)
Modality: Attended session
Tue 17/09/24 (16:00-19:00h)
Modality: Attended session
Duration: 2 sessions
Cibernàrium-22@ - Carrer Roc Boronat, 117 - 127,
Registration closed.
Duration: 2 sessions
Price: This activity is free
Level: Specialized
Theme: Web creation

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WordPress: virtual store with Woocommerce: Edition 1

Attended session

Mon 16/09/24 16:00-19:00h


Carrer Roc Boronat, 117 - 127,


Attended session

Tue 17/09/24 16:00-19:00h


Carrer Roc Boronat, 117 - 127,


Personal information

Full Name:

Screen Name: 20101


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