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HTML: Program your web page

HTML is the basic and standard programming language for web plans. It serves so that the browser correctly interprets the contents of your site. It's simple to learn and no prior knowledge of coding is required. Knowing HTML is the basis for creating both simple and complex plans with the help of other languages ¿¿or frameworks. At the same time, it is used recurrently in CMS and other web tools to add Ad-Hoc content and thus be able to customize both themes and templates.

Specific goals | Temary

Know the Standard brand language to create a website

Know the most used labels

Know the software to edit HTML

Know the structure of web files


1. Introduction to HTML and HTML5

- What is HTML
- HTML editors
- Web project basic structure
- Labels
- Files linked to the HTML

2. Body structure

- The <header>  tag
- The <nav>  tag
- The <section>tag

and <figcaption>

- The <aside> tag
- The <footer> tag

3. Basic HTML structure

- Paragraphs and returns
- Headings
- Semantic formatting of the text
- Citing texts
- Text formatting: label

4. Links to HTML

- The label
- Links to parts of the page
- Links to URLs
- Links to archives
- 'target' attribute
- Images with links

5. Organization of contents

- Unordered lists
- Ordered lists
- Definition lists

6. Images

- Using images
- Label attributes
- Tag
- Icons for the browser bar (favicon)

Recommended and complementary activities to increase knowledge of the subject:

HTML and HTML5 language basics


Edition 1

Fri 19/07/24 (10:00-13:00h)


Carrer Roc Boronat, 117 - 127,


Language: Catalan
Opening of registration 04/07/2024 to 08:30 h.
Edition 2

Wed 18/09/24 (16:00-19:00h)


Carrer Roc Boronat, 117 - 127,


Language: Catalan
Opening of registration 03/09/2024 to 08:30 h.

General information

IMPORTANT: In the event that the format is virtual streaming, it will be done through the free Microsoft Teams platform. Registrants will receive an invitation link and access instructions by email prior to the start of the session.

>> Entry to the classroom will not be allowed after 15 minutes, once the activity has started.
>> The language in which each session is given is reported in the description of each activity.
>> Any of Cibernàrium's training actions can be recorded through a system
of capturing images whose purpose is their subsequent dissemination through a medium or support
in the scope of Barcelona Activa's mission to contribute to economic promotion and employment.
In the recording process, images of the attendees may eventually be recorded
formation. Registration for Cibernàrium activities implies the authorization to Barcelona Activa of
make use of these images for the above purpose.

Fri 19/07/24 (10:00-13:00h)
Modality: Attended session
Duration: 1 session
Cibernàrium-22@ - Carrer Roc Boronat, 117 - 127,
Opening of registration 04/07/2024 to 08:30 h.
Duration: 1 session
Price: This activity is free
Level: Specialized
Theme: Programming

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HTML: Program your web page: Edition 1

Attended session

Fri 19/07/24 10:00-13:00h


Carrer Roc Boronat, 117 - 127,


HTML: Program your web page: Edition 2

Attended session

Wed 18/09/24 16:00-19:00h


Carrer Roc Boronat, 117 - 127,


Personal information

Full Name:

Screen Name: 20101


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