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Masterclass: Security for Wordpress

Aprèn el que cal saber sobre seguretat en WordPress, el gestor de continguts més popular del mercat i per aquest motiu un dels més atacats. En aquesta masterclass explicarem quins són els principals perills i revisarem els plugins més populars per estar protegits. Comentarem també el manteniment imprescindible per a no tenir sorpreses i, en el supòsit de que ens ataquin, com poder recuperar-nos ràpidament.

Specific goals | Temary


General Objectives of the Activity:

  • Understand the possible risks that can affect WordPress.
  • Review what security measures we can apply.
  • Understand the need for daily maintenance.

Specific Objectives of the Activity:

  • See how to protect ourselves from the main dangers.
  • Discover plugins to improve security.
  • Learn how to assess if a WordPress is secure.


  1. Possible Risks to WordPress
    • Security Holes
    • Protective Measures
    • How to Recover from an Attack
  2. Actions to Improve Security
    • Daily Maintenance
    • Security Plugins
    • Is My WordPress Secure?


Edition 1

From Thu 01/08/24 al Tue 31/12/24

Language: Catalan
Places available Sign me up

General information

>> Online activities are asynchronous. You can sign up and start them at any time.

>> Once you have registered, you will always be able to find the activity in your Personal Space.

Start: Thu 01/08/24
Duration: 2 hours
Duration: 2 hours
Price: This activity is free
Level: Specialized
Theme: Cybersecurity

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Masterclass: Security for Wordpress: Edition 1

Online session

Thu 01/08/24 al Tue 31/12/24

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Screen Name: 20101


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