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Activity Record


Instagram: share photos and videos on the network (Cibernàrium - Nou Barris).

In this workshop we will learn to use the social network Instagram, editing photographs to make them more attractive, tagging them, creating stories, keeping up to date with news and following the people or entities that are of interest to us.

Specific goals | Temary

Objectives and syllabus

Know what Instagram is and what it is for, as well as its relevance in networks, train for profile management and understand its importance.

Specific objectives

- To provide the necessary tools for the correct creation of a profile and its maintenance.
- Learn how to edit the contents before sharing and tagging them correctly.
- To explore how to relate to other people and entities and how they relate to us.

Complete syllabus

1. What is Instagram?
2. Application download and account creation
3. Create a profile on Instagram and upload the first photos
- Edit profile
- Configure Settings
- See our photographs
4. Editing and tagging photos
a) Image editing
- Filter effects
- Backspace lighting
- Editing tools
b) Photo Footer
c) Label people
d) Location
e) Tags or hashtags
5. Connection with other users
- Activity
- Followers and followed
- I like it
- How to make comments
- Mentions
6. Other content creation options
- Stories
- Reels
- Live transmission
7. To explore
- Search for users and tags


Edition 1

Wed 25/09/24 (10:00-14:00h)

AC_Cibernàrium Nou Barris

Carrer Marie Curie, 8 - 14,


Language: Catalan
Opening of registration 10/09/2024 to 08:30 h.
Edition 2

Thu 17/10/24 (16:00-20:00h)

AC_Cibernàrium Nou Barris

Carrer Marie Curie, 8 - 14,


Language: Catalan
Opening of registration 02/10/2024 to 08:30 h.
Edition 3

Tue 29/10/24 (10:00-14:00h)

AC_Cibernàrium Nou Barris

Carrer Marie Curie, 8 - 14,


Language: Catalan
Opening of registration 14/10/2024 to 08:30 h.
Edition 4

Wed 20/11/24 (10:00-14:00h)

AC_Cibernàrium Nou Barris

Carrer Marie Curie, 8 - 14,


Language: Catalan
Opening of registration 05/11/2024 to 08:30 h.

General information

Entry to the classroom will not be allowed after 15 minutes of class start.
The language in which each session is taught is informed in the description of each activity.

Any of Cibernàrium¿s training actions may be recorded through an image capture system that aims to disseminate them later through a medium or support in the field of the Barcelona Activa mission to contribute to economic promotion and employment. In the recording process, images of those attending the training can be recorded. Registration for the activities of Cibernàrium implies the authorization of Barcelona Activa to use these images for the previous purpose.

Wed 25/09/24 (10:00-14:00h)
Modality: Attended session
Duration: 1 session
AC_Cibernàrium Nou Barris - Carrer Marie Curie, 8 - 14,
Opening of registration 10/09/2024 to 08:30 h.
Duration: 1 session
Price: This activity is free
Level: Basic

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Instagram: share photos and videos on the network (Cibernàrium - Nou Barris).: Edition 1

Attended session

Wed 25/09/24 10:00-14:00h

AC_Cibernàrium Nou Barris

Carrer Marie Curie, 8 - 14,


Instagram: share photos and videos on the network (Cibernàrium - Nou Barris).: Edition 2

Attended session

Thu 17/10/24 16:00-20:00h

AC_Cibernàrium Nou Barris

Carrer Marie Curie, 8 - 14,


Instagram: share photos and videos on the network (Cibernàrium - Nou Barris).: Edition 3

Attended session

Tue 29/10/24 10:00-14:00h

AC_Cibernàrium Nou Barris

Carrer Marie Curie, 8 - 14,


Instagram: share photos and videos on the network (Cibernàrium - Nou Barris).: Edition 4

Attended session

Wed 20/11/24 10:00-14:00h

AC_Cibernàrium Nou Barris

Carrer Marie Curie, 8 - 14,


Personal information

Full Name:

Screen Name: 20101


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