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Masterclass: SEO for WordPress

Coneix què afecta al posicionament d'un lloc WordPress i aprèn quines tècniques i plugins tenim a l'abast per millorar-ho. A l'hora de crear un lloc amb WordPress moltes vegades no tenim en compte la importància de realitzar un bon SEO que ens asseguri un correcte posicionament als cercadors. En aquest curs online descobriràs com millorar la visibilitat del web en els resultats orgànics.

Specific goals | Temary


  • Learn the basic concepts of positioning in WordPress
  • Review plugins that help improve SEO
  • See how to enhance the performance of a WordPress site


  1. WordPress Positioning
    • What affects positioning in WordPress
    • What should we avoid?
    • Update services
    • What affects positioning?
  2. SEO Plugins
    • Yoast SEO
    • SUMO
  3. Evaluation, Content Duplication, and Redirections
    • robots.txt file
    • Avoid duplicated content
    • Detect duplicated content
    • Redirections
    • SEO Audit
  4. What can we do to improve positioning
    • Sitemap
    • Google Analytics
    • Plugins to improve speed
    • Speed analysis
    • Image positioning
    • CDN


Edition 1

From Thu 01/08/24 al Tue 31/12/24

Language: Catalan
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General information

>> Online activities are asynchronous. You can sign up and start them at any time.

>> Once you have registered, you will always be able to find the activity in your Personal Space.

Start: Thu 01/08/24
Duration: 2 hours
Duration: 2 hours
Price: This activity is free
Level: Specialized
Theme: Web creation

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Masterclass: SEO for WordPress: Edition 1

Online session

Thu 01/08/24 al Tue 31/12/24

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