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The Canòdrom is located at the Digital and Democratic Innovation Centre where the old canodrome used to be in the Sant Andreu district. The classrooms have natural light, 12 desktop computers equipped with free software and a digital and touchboard for the teacher. This space has a maximum capacity for 12 attendees.

This is the only space within our network where basic technology training for free software is provided: from knowing how your computer and mobile device work to learning how to surf the Internet and use e-mail, everything with alternative and non-corporat software. A wide variety of activities that tend to have multiple  sessions with a duration of 2 hours each and are scheduled within blocs. Therefore, this place proposes to learn about technology, from a critical point of view, with the aim of raising awareness not only of our digital rights but, also of, our duties.
Consult the schedule here.

Canòdrom- Ateneu d'Innovació Digital i Democràtica 

Carrer  Concepció Arenal, 165 

08027, Barcelona 

931 94 83 11 

Horari d'atenció: de dilluns a divendres de 9h a 19h

Metro: Fabra i Puig (L1), Congrès i Maragall (L4) 

Autobusos: 11, 34, 56, 62, 96, H6, N3, V29, 122, 191 

Estacions Bicing: 

266 - C/Concepció Arenal, 176 

251 - C/Cardenal Tedeschini, 13 

244 - C/ Felip II, 214