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Specialized IT training - Cibernarium

Do you want to discover technological tools that can help you improve in the professional field? Want to learn how to create a website or manage an e-commerce? What digital marketing and communication strategies could be useful for your business?

Find the answer to the specialized formations of Cibernàrium. They are aimed at working people, entrepreneurs or job seekers. They include face-to-face, online and masterclass courses.

Face-to-face training

The specialized training includes around 180 activities, in public facilities of free access and characterized by:
· Short and medium duration: Between 3 and 16 hours, with a maximum of 4 sessions.
· Practical, innovative and updated contents: They cover the latest trends in technologies applied to real needs, especially in the professional field. The quarterly renewal of the program allows us to always be up to date.
Flexible schedule: The same activity is repeated in different time periods in several days to make it more accessible.
· Personalized itinerary: The activities are organized according to thematic blocks and can be done following a personalized itinerary.

Online training

Cibernàrium also offers over 100 free and free online training activities. Different formats are offered:

    Bits de TIC: Short courses to keep up with the latest digital trends.
    Online courses: activities of up to 6 hours to learn and deepen in various tools and technological solutions.
    Masterclass online: Conferences and talks on current technology issues in person

The online training offer is regularly updated to incorporate new content and update existing content. They facilitate the reconciliation and access to technological training for people who, due to distance or timetables, cannot travel. They are also open to those attending the in-person courses to refresh concepts or expand information. When completed, they generate a certificate of attendance equivalent to that of conventional training.

Formació en directe

Presencial o virtual

Do you want to discover technological tools that can help you improve in the professional field? Want to learn how to create a website or manage an e-commerce? What digital marketing and communication strategies could be useful for your business?

Find the answer to the specialized formations of Cibernàrium. They are aimed at working people, entrepreneurs or job seekers. They include face-to-face, online and masterclass courses.

Face-to-face training

The specialized training includes around 180 activities, in public facilities of free access and characterized by:
· Short and medium duration: Between 3 and 16 hours, with a maximum of 4 sessions.
· Practical, innovative and updated contents: They cover the latest trends in technologies applied to real needs, especially in the professional field. The quarterly renewal of the program allows us to always be up to date.
Flexible schedule: The same activity is repeated in different time periods in several days to make it more accessible.
· Personalized itinerary: The activities are organized according to thematic blocks and can be done following a personalized itinerary.

Online training

Cibernàrium also offers over 100 free and free online training activities. Different formats are offered:

    Bits de TIC: Short courses to keep up with the latest digital trends.
    Online courses: activities of up to 6 hours to learn and deepen in various tools and technological solutions.
    Masterclass online: Conferences and talks on current technology issues in person

The online training offer is regularly updated to incorporate new content and update existing content. They facilitate the reconciliation and access to technological training for people who, due to distance or timetables, cannot travel. They are also open to those attending the in-person courses to refresh concepts or expand information. When completed, they generate a certificate of attendance equivalent to that of conventional training.

Formació online

Quan vulguis i on vulguis

Do you want to discover technological tools that can help you improve in the professional field? Want to learn how to create a website or manage an e-commerce? What digital marketing and communication strategies could be useful for your business?

Find the answer to the specialized formations of Cibernàrium. They are aimed at working people, entrepreneurs or job seekers. They include face-to-face, online and masterclass courses.

Face-to-face training

The specialized training includes around 180 activities, in public facilities of free access and characterized by:
· Short and medium duration: Between 3 and 16 hours, with a maximum of 4 sessions.
· Practical, innovative and updated contents: They cover the latest trends in technologies applied to real needs, especially in the professional field. The quarterly renewal of the program allows us to always be up to date.
Flexible schedule: The same activity is repeated in different time periods in several days to make it more accessible.
· Personalized itinerary: The activities are organized according to thematic blocks and can be done following a personalized itinerary.

Online training

Cibernàrium also offers over 100 free and free online training activities. Different formats are offered:

    Bits de TIC: Short courses to keep up with the latest digital trends.
    Online courses: activities of up to 6 hours to learn and deepen in various tools and technological solutions.
    Masterclass online: Conferences and talks on current technology issues in person

The online training offer is regularly updated to incorporate new content and update existing content. They facilitate the reconciliation and access to technological training for people who, due to distance or timetables, cannot travel. They are also open to those attending the in-person courses to refresh concepts or expand information. When completed, they generate a certificate of attendance equivalent to that of conventional training.

Altres serveis


Inscriu-te i posa't al dia amb les Masterclass del Cibernàrium! Sessions impartides per una persona experta sobre les últimes tendències tecnològiques.

Consulta la programació

Formació certificada

Ets docent? Forma't amb nosaltres de manera gratuïta i obten el certificat de formació del Departament d'Educació.

Consulta l'oferta formativa

Formació a mida

Vols formació tecnològica pel teu institut, entitat o institució? Ens adaptem als teus horaris i oferim formació tancada per al teu grup.

Consulta'n les condicions i fes la teva sol·licitud

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